Skin Rejuvenation (PRP, 3D, Lifting)

Skin rejuvenation methods have become increasingly popular in the field of aesthetics and cosmetics. These methods include techniques such as PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma), 3D skin rejuvenation and skin lifting.

PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) Skin Rejuvenation:

PRP is a treatment method that contains an enriched form of platelets in a person’s own blood. In this method, the patient’s blood is taken, then platelets are separated by a special process and enriched plasma is injected into the skin. The growth factors contained in platelets stimulate skin cells, increasing collagen production, promoting cell renewal and rejuvenating the skin.

3D Skin Rejuvenation:

3D skin rejuvenation generally refers to an approach that involves a combination of various technologies such as laser, radiofrequency and dermal fillers. This method aims to provide tightening, toning and rejuvenation by targeting different layers of the skin. While lasers improve the surface of the skin, radiofrequency energy provides tightening in the deep layers and fillers eliminate volume loss.

Skin Lifting (Face Lift):

Skin lifting is a surgical procedure used to tighten skin that has become loose due to the aging process and to reduce wrinkles. Face lift operations are performed by repositioning the tissues under the skin and removing excess skin tissue. This method is generally preferred to alleviate obvious signs of aging in the face, neck and forehead area.

These skin rejuvenation methods are a variety of treatment options, each with advantages and potential risks. Since each individual’s skin structure is different, it is important to consult a specialist aesthetic doctor to determine the most appropriate method and create a treatment plan that suits personal expectations. Skin rejuvenation procedures can help an individual achieve a youthful and healthy appearance, often providing safe and effective results.